Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New for 2007! Tarmac Philosopher 2.0

Yeah, it's true. I've finally returned. I whipped up a new title bar, something a little more artistic. ....And, that's about it as far as new features go for TP2.0. Good thing it's free.

The reason why I haven't been up to snuff lately is that I have trouble writing stuff when I don't have anything to write about. Nothing automotively-exciting has occurred of late. So, to cover up that fact, I will have to succumb to mostly posting frivolous things, such as interesting links I find, news, etc.

Yes, it's not the engaging, brainy literature I wanted to write, but maybe once and a while the Mark Twain in me will bubble up and I'll be able to post something worth while, like an in-depth analysis linking metaphysics to drivetrains, or maybe a report from a major car event I would be lucky to attend.

Who knows! Stay tuned.


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